The Dpf doctor Drogheda
"The Dpf Doctor" is a network of over 160 dpf cleaning specialists, who have recieved many hours of training on cleaning, and more importantly, assessing dpf's and finding out what underlying issues have caused the dpf blockage. Once issues have been rectified, we carry out dpf cleaning using using D.C. Lubricants 2 stage cleaning products.

What is a Dpf?
Most modern Diesel vehicles are fitted with Diesel Particle filters (dpf's) to filter the soot from the engine's exhaust. These filters are supposed to be self cleaning through a process called regeneration, which incinerates the soot while its trapped in the filter during normal driving.
Problems occur when an excessive amount of soot gets trapped in the filter causing it to get blocked. If a filter is only lightly blocked a long(30 mins) motorway drive may resolve the issue, however if its blocked beyond a certain level the filter may need to be professionally cleaned.
Most filters can be cleaned while still attached to the vehicle which can save potentially hundreds of euro as there can be up to 6 hours labour involved in removal and re fitting and new filters can cost thousands.

What causes blockages?
Dpf's get blocked from a number of factors, as stated before they should self clean, however if a car is doing regular short journeys the exhaust wont get hot enough to burn off the trapped soot. Another reason dpf's get blocked is if there is a underlying fault in the engine/managment system which is causing the engine to be excessively smokey(you may not see the smoke as it's getting trapped in the filter).
Before having your dpf cleaned it is important to have a thorough diagnostic check/Pre clean assessment carried out to ensure the cleaning proceedure is sucessful.
Our Pre clean assessment and cleaning
proceedure includes:
-Visual inspection of engine, turbo and exhaust.
-Computerised diagnostic check, including check of injectors, turbo, egr valve etc.
-A road test to measure exhaust temperatures and pressures ,
-2 stage cleaning process.
-Before and after printout of differential pressure and soot content.
-Road test to monitor temps and pressures confirm successful proceedure.